what is a masonic lodge?
A Masonic Temple or Masonic Lodge is, within Freemasonry, the room or edifice where Freemasons meet. Masonic Temple may also refer to an abstract spiritual goal and the conceptual ritualistic space of a meeting.
In order to become a Freemason, you need some basic qualifications (specific qualifications vary from one lodge to the next, but some general rules apply). But if you meet the Freemason criteria, you still have to go through a process, from petitioning to becoming a full member.
The qualifications to join a lodge vary from one jurisdiction to another, but some basic qualifications are common to all regular Masonic lodges:
- You must believe in a Supreme Being.
- You must be joining on your own free will.
- You must be a man
- And you must be free-born.
Masonry doesn’t care about your worldly wealth or social position. Both the bank’s president and the bank’s janitor can apply for membership, and they’re considered equally qualified.
You must be of lawful age. Depending on the Grand Lodge, this can be anywhere from 18 to 25.
You’ll be asked other important questions down the road, before you’re allowed to join a lodge:
Are you unbiased by friends and uninfluenced by any mercenary motives? Don’t apply for membership if you think you’ll be using your membership card to get out of a speeding ticket or to network for your business.
Do you have a favorable opinion of Freemasonry? You should have a desire for knowledge and a sincere wish to be of service to mankind. If you’re merely curious about what goes on behind locked doors, JUST GOOGLE IT
Do you agree to follow the rules? Nothing especially scary here. Health clubs and city parks have the same requirement.